LexFusion accelerates your legal innovation journey

LexFusion is the nexus point between ground-breaking legal innovation and the broader legal market. Our business is accelerating promising innovations. Our value proposition is forming, and sharing, unparalleled market insights across the entire ecosystem as we foster a community of fellow travelers.

Law Departments & Law Firms

We’re here to help, for free. We provide no-cost, high-level consulting and presentations, including composites of what your peers are working on—among the reasons that everyone talks to LexFusion is that everyone talks to LexFusion. We are in regular conversation with over 500 law departments and 300 law farms. We also convene invite-only events to bring peers together to make direct connections. Our motto is “better together!”

We aim to deliver value in every interaction because our entire business model is predicated on trust. While you do not pay us, the value we capture from serving you enhances the unparalleled market insights we provide to our curated portfolio of legal innovation companies, as well as to the extended LexFusion network of customers like you.

Legal Innovation Companies

We curate a focused portfolio of truly excellent offerings comprising tech and services. Our waitlist is, and will remain, orders of magnitude longer than our roster of innovative members. We interrogate not only product/market fit but capitalization, product roadmap, and cultural alignment.

While opportunities to be a LexFusion member company are limited, there are still mutual benefits to becoming acquainted. Because our conversations with law departments and law firms invariably extend beyond the needs our members can satisfy, we are constantly recommending non-members as potential answers to questions our customers raise. We benefit by knowing you—because we can better answer a wider variety of customer questions. You benefit by being known by us—because we may send qualified leads your way at no cost.

In an era where the line between myth and reality is increasingly obfuscated, our friends D. Casey Flaherty and the team at LexFusion offer crystal clarity on the current state of #GenAI in Legal via this brilliant, entertaining piece. Come for the summary and hilarious cartoons... stay for the detailed analysis. Thought leadership at its finest.

Mike Haven

Head of Global Legal Operations

Jason Barnwell - General Manager for Digital Transformation of Corporate, External, and Legal Affairs
"My time is scarce. That is why I take every meeting the LexFusion team recommends. Those engagements always bring me value. And I reach out to LexFusion for counsel because they have a superior view on the market and can advise me on the best options for our needs. They help me make better decisions faster in an incredibly noisy information market with a focus on the long game. That's why I trust them."

Jason Barnwell

General Manager for Digital Transformation of Corporate,
External, and Legal Affairs

As a LexFusion member company, Agiloft has benefitted from the strategy and thought leadership of the LexFusion team which unequivocally accelerated our growth. This growth and success led to a recent transaction where KKR acquired majority ownership of Agiloft. Along the way, every customer interaction I have had, facilitated by LexFusion, was on point. Alliteratively stated, LexFusion conducted strategy-based research; this formed the rationale; the rationale resulted in relationships; the relationships delivered ROI. LexFusion accelerates outcomes. For end customers and member companies. Full stop.

Prashant Dubey

Chief Strategy Officer

Courtney Ozer - Chief Legal Officer & Corporate Secretary
"Building a global legal function from scratch, I recognised tech was essential to serving the business at scale and pace. But I am bandwidth constrained – limited time for vendor meetings, let alone deep education and labor-intensive RFPs. I needed to move quickly, with confidence. There was only one place to turn to accelerate our journey. Trusting LexFusion was among the best decisions I've made in my role."

Courtney Ozer

Chief Legal Officer & Corporate Secretary

"LexFusion's combination of expertise and rolodex is unmatched, and has been invaluable to Casetext. Bringing technology into the legal profession can sometimes feel like rowing against the tide, in an ocean made of molasses. LexFusion is wind at the sails"

Pablo Arredondo

Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer

"LexFusion recognized our value proposition early. They have been pivotal in helping us get to market. In addition to connecting us to law firms and inhouse corporate professionals, LexFusion have been great advisors into the needs of legal. Their connections are allowing the legal profession to move beyond ‘the way it’s always been’ to a streamlined delivery model."

Jacob Beckerman


"LexFusion has been instrumental to Priori's growth. We started working with LexFusion in 2021 before we had any in-house business development and has scaled alongside our team to drive industry visibility and business."

Basha Rubin

CEO & Co-Founder

“The key to navigating a complex environment is to have strategic partners with unparalleled experience and trusted connections.  LexFusion cuts through the noise in the legal tech space and gets the right people in the room to accelerate business and outcomes.”

Eric Laughlin



LexFusion Member Solutions

We frame our thinking in terms of complementary categories. We select members not only based on true excellence (the sine qua non) but also with an informed view of the significant synergies to be captured by meeting common market needs in a coordinated fashion. Our members are each excellent in and of themselves but, collectively, reflect our vision of true transformation, which entails change along the entire legal value chain.

Enterprise CLM
Deal Tech
E-Discovery Tech & Services
Lit Workflow Tech
M&A, Technology & Services
Virtual ADR
Lawyer Training & Digital Learning
Contract Abstraction

Interactive Document Environment
Legal Staffing & Legal Marketplace
Enterprise CLM
Enterprise CLM
Corporate Tech & Services
Deal Tech
E-Discovery Tech & Services
Lit Workflow Tech
M&A, Technology & Services
Virtual ADR
Lawyer Training & Digital Learning
Contract Abstraction
Interactive Document Environment
Legal Staffing & Legal Marketplace
Enterprise CLM


LexFusion is, as far as we can tell, completely sui generis in the legal space. We do not fit into any familiar categories. We are also committed to transparency. Thus, our FAQ.

What is the LexFusion business model?

We make money from legal innovation companies (i.e., our members). We consult on strategy. We help with product/market fit, including marketing, events, and introductions to qualified leads.  

The economic arrangements vary on the stage of the company. We invest. We take equity. We earn commissions. We work for a flat fee.

Critically, we pick our members, not the other way around. Because we are in the trust business, we curate a collective of truly excellent offerings. We are disciplined about not diluting the brand, nor the benefits of membership, by carrying too many members at once.  

Our members change over time. Thus, our only enduring asset is our customer relationships—even though our customers do not pay us directly. Our customers are primarily law departments and law firms. We meet them where they are, offering consultations and presentations, for free. The exchange of value is we learn what is top of mind for the biggest buyers in legal, as well as where there are gaps in the market. This unparalleled market listening is the basis for the insights that make LexFusion so valuable to both our members and our customers—i.e., we are able to provide composite market intelligence not available anywhere else.

What is the LexFusion philosophy?

Our motto is “better together!” We take an ecosystem view. We aim to drive a virtuous cycle of interactions among our customers (legal depts/ law firms) and our members (legal innovation companies).  

We gather market insights by interacting with law departments and law firms. We provide free consultations, presentations, and events without a sales agenda. These exchanges, in turn, inform our view of market direction, needs, and gaps. We feedback our composite insights to the same law departments and law firms (i.e., it is incumbent upon us to add value to sustain the virtuous cycle of sharing). But we also supply these market insights to our members to shape their product-development and go-to-market strategies.  

For a sense of the depth of our insights, visit our content page.

We believe strongly in the power of connection. We connect customers to members where there is a fit. But we also connect customers to non-member legal innovation companies where there is fit (our members do not meet every need, and never will; meanwhile, our customers still require all their needs met). Often most critically, we connect customers to each other. That is, we identify fellow travellers in law departments and law firms who are working the same problem and bring them together, either through direct connections or invite-only events.

Is LexFusion looking for new members?

Kind of.  

We combine unprecedented market listening with constant horizon scanning. As advocates for innovation, we are always open to the adjacent possible and the fruits of cumulative advances. We will never sit still. Our member roster will never be closed, let alone complete.  

Ironically, for a business organized around the imperative of scaling the delivery of legal services, our business does not scale as presently constructed. While we are not at capacity in terms of members, we recognize a ceiling exists—even if we don’t know the precise number at which we’d hit it. At a certain size, the dilutive impact of more members would exceed the benefits of finding synergies between members in complementary categories.

Becoming a LexFusion member is a high bar. And the bar becomes higher with every member we add, which we do extremely slowly because the vetting and onboarding processes are so labor intensive.

While opportunities to be a LexFusion member company are scarce, there are still mutual benefits to becoming acquainted. Because our conversations with law departments and law firms invariably extend beyond the needs our members can satisfy, we are constantly recommending non-members as potential answers to the questions our customers raise. We benefit by knowing you—because we can better answer a wider variety of customer questions. You benefit from being known by us—because we may send qualified leads your way at no cost.

Let’s Forge the Future Together

Interested in joining our roster of legal innovators or simply curious about the world of legal tech? Reach out! Our team is eager to connect, collaborate, and contribute to the ever-evolving legal landscape.


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LexFusion is committed to protecting your information. Your information will be used in accordance with the applicable data privacy law, our internal policies and our privacy policy. As LexFusion is a global organisation, your information may be stored and processed by LexFusion and its affiliates in countries outside your country of residence, but wherever your information is processed, we will handle it with the same care and respect for your privacy.
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