Welcome to LexFusion, now part of Baretz+Brunelle
LexFusion is the nexus point between ground-breaking legal innovation and the broader legal market. Our business is accelerating promising innovations. Our value proposition is forming, and sharing, unparalleled market insights across the entire ecosystem as we foster a community of fellow travelers.

Law Departments & Law Firms
We’re here to help, for free. We provide no-cost, high-level consulting and presentations, including composites of what your peers are working on—among the reasons that everyone talks to LexFusion is that everyone talks to LexFusion. We are in regular conversation with over 500 law departments and 300 law farms. We also convene invite-only events to bring peers together to make direct connections. Our motto is “better together!”
We aim to deliver value in every interaction because our entire business model is predicated on trust. While you do not pay us, the value we capture from serving you enhances the unparalleled market insights we provide to our curated portfolio of legal innovation companies, as well as to the extended LexFusion network of customers like you.
Legal Innovation Companies
We curate a focused portfolio of truly excellent offerings comprising tech and services. Our waitlist is, and will remain, orders of magnitude longer than our roster of innovative members. We interrogate not only product/market fit but capitalization, product roadmap, and cultural alignment.
While opportunities to be a LexFusion member company are limited, there are still mutual benefits to becoming acquainted. Because our conversations with law departments and law firms invariably extend beyond the needs our members can satisfy, we are constantly recommending non-members as potential answers to questions our customers raise. We benefit by knowing you—because we can better answer a wider variety of customer questions. You benefit by being known by us—because we may send qualified leads your way at no cost.

Legal Innovation is Here – Finally
LexFusion is betting that Generative AI represents the latest in a series of technological super cycles. Where previous cycles—personal computing, internet, mobile, cloud—resulted a Cambrian explosion in data (i.e., digitization), this cycle centers on deep integration of tech designed to harness the power of that data to make better decisions faster (i.e., digital transformation). This inflection point extends far beyond legal services and will only increase the volume, velocity, and complexity of corporate legal needs—which can, in turn, only be satisfied through attendant digital transformation of legal service delivery.
The necessities of legal innovation will result in a further proliferation of companies looking to capitalize on the explosion in demand. Yet the resources available to sift through all these options will not keep pace. Choice overload will continue to present as a constant constraint on the purposeful evolution of the ecosystem.
As options increase exponentially and the silent cacophony of cold email outreach becomes all the more deafening, premiums on trust and community only increase. Trust must be earned, and maintained. Community must be built, and nurtured. LexFusion has set itself apart in our commitment to both in to make manifest our motto, “better together,” and to further our mission of accelerating innovation.
We really are here to help. As our friends have attested.
LexFusion Member Solutions
We frame our thinking in terms of complementary categories. We select members not only based on true excellence (the sine qua non) but also with an informed view of the significant synergies to be captured by meeting common market needs in a coordinated fashion. Our members are each excellent in and of themselves but, collectively, reflect our vision of true transformation, which entails change along the entire legal value chain.
LexFusion is, as far as we can tell, completely sui generis in the legal space. We do not fit into any familiar categories. We are also committed to transparency. Thus, our FAQ.
We make money from legal innovation companies (i.e., our members). We consult on strategy. We help with product/market fit, including marketing, events, and introductions to qualified leads.
The economic arrangements vary on the stage of the company. We invest. We take equity. We earn commissions. We work for a flat fee.
Critically, we pick our members, not the other way around. Because we are in the trust business, we curate a collective of truly excellent offerings. We are disciplined about not diluting the brand, nor the benefits of membership, by carrying too many members at once.
Our members change over time. Thus, our only enduring asset is our customer relationships—even though our customers do not pay us directly. Our customers are primarily law departments and law firms. We meet them where they are, offering consultations and presentations, for free. The exchange of value is we learn what is top of mind for the biggest buyers in legal, as well as where there are gaps in the market. This unparalleled market listening is the basis for the insights that make LexFusion so valuable to both our members and our customers—i.e., we are able to provide composite market intelligence not available anywhere else.
Our motto is “better together!” We take an ecosystem view. We aim to drive a virtuous cycle of interactions among our customers (legal depts/ law firms) and our members (legal innovation companies).
We gather market insights by interacting with law departments and law firms. We provide free consultations, presentations, and events without a sales agenda. These exchanges, in turn, inform our view of market direction, needs, and gaps. We feedback our composite insights to the same law departments and law firms (i.e., it is incumbent upon us to add value to sustain the virtuous cycle of sharing). But we also supply these market insights to our members to shape their product-development and go-to-market strategies.
For a sense of the depth of our insights, visit our content page.
We believe strongly in the power of connection. We connect customers to members where there is a fit. But we also connect customers to non-member legal innovation companies where there is fit (our members do not meet every need, and never will; meanwhile, our customers still require all their needs met). Often most critically, we connect customers to each other. That is, we identify fellow travellers in law departments and law firms who are working the same problem and bring them together, either through direct connections or invite-only events.
Kind of.
We combine unprecedented market listening with constant horizon scanning. As advocates for innovation, we are always open to the adjacent possible and the fruits of cumulative advances. We will never sit still. Our member roster will never be closed, let alone complete.
Ironically, for a business organized around the imperative of scaling the delivery of legal services, our business does not scale as presently constructed. While we are not at capacity in terms of members, we recognize a ceiling exists—even if we don’t know the precise number at which we’d hit it. At a certain size, the dilutive impact of more members would exceed the benefits of finding synergies between members in complementary categories.
Becoming a LexFusion member is a high bar. And the bar becomes higher with every member we add, which we do extremely slowly because the vetting and onboarding processes are so labor intensive.
While opportunities to be a LexFusion member company are scarce, there are still mutual benefits to becoming acquainted. Because our conversations with law departments and law firms invariably extend beyond the needs our members can satisfy, we are constantly recommending non-members as potential answers to the questions our customers raise. We benefit by knowing you—because we can better answer a wider variety of customer questions. You benefit from being known by us—because we may send qualified leads your way at no cost.
Let’s Forge the Future Together
Interested in joining our roster of legal innovators or simply curious about the world of legal tech? Reach out! Our team is eager to connect, collaborate, and contribute to the ever-evolving legal landscape.

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